Monday, November 29, 2010

Where to Find Help

Readers, today I want to know what everyone's favorite sources for blogging information are. They come in all different forms, from websites to other blogs, to books. Please leave a title and/or URL in your comments to tell me where you go when you need advice on all things blogging.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Holiday Break

With the Christmas season coming up, holidays are on every one's minds. How does this affect bloggers? Do you take a day off of posting on special days or stick to your schedule? Maybe you use the time off to post or write extra posts.

How about reading blogs? Have you noticed whether most blogs still post even on the holidays? Do you read your favorite blogs even on days such as Fourth of July or Christmas?

Share your answers in the comments.
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Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Goal for Followers

When I first startd blogging, I figured it would be a good idea to set some goals, so that I would know how I was doing. Of course, at the time I didn't really know what realistic goals would be, so I waited until my blogs had been up for some time before making them.

Well, one of my goals was to have a total of 50 followers for my two blogs by the new year. Right now I'm at 31, so I think I have a chance at making it.

Admittedly, I haven't been doing my fair share of gaining followers by neglecting this blog for over a month, but I'll make a deal with you: help me find more followers and I will update my blog regularly. To show my committment to this goal, look for another post tomorrow.

So, to your part of the deal: how can you help me get followers? It's pretty easy, actually. If you read my blog, but do not follow it, go ahead and click the folow button. If you already follow me, then just spread the word about my blog. like it on StumbleUpon, recomend it to others, or just keep coming back for new blog posts to get my stats up and encourage me.

With your help readers, I can acheive my goal.
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